Here are a few of the services we can offer

Aerial Photography

Time lapse Photography options

Special Events

Personal Photography

Photographic and Video Hardware

About Post Production

Once converted to a digital format it will no longer deteriorate, which unfortunately your existing tapes are doing every day. So please, if the tape is important to you, get it transferred to digital media as soon as possible. If you can not, then please store it away from anything magnetic and where the temperature changes slowly and over a small range. There are few place worse than leaving them on that shelf under the TV in the living room!

Damaged image improvement

Image Correction
Image Correction
Image Correction
Image Correction

The two examples shown at the top demonstrate what can be done with an important documentary image. Clearly once detail is lost it can never be put back, but in the case of noise (little white dots in this image) it is possible to guess at the what was there and clone it back. In the case of torn edge it is safe to assume that most of that area was curtain and so again it can be cloned from elsewhere in the image. Even the missing bodies can be cloned, but of course the face cannot (hence the two greyed areas). The rest is just general clean up and colour removal.

The two lower images show someone’s much prized picture of HMS Tiger, taken in the eighties, but sadly greatly deteriorated after twenty years in his wallet. The second image shows what can be done to bring it back to life

Photographic and Video Hardware